Thursday, February 12, 2009

இந்த நாள் இனிய நாள்

Quote of the day

Personality can open doors, but only character can keep them open.  
Word of the day

comestible -  suitable to be eaten;

Today's Events  in History

2004 - The city of San Francisco, California begins issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples
1998 - Intel unveils its 1st graphics chip i740
1991 - Iceland recognizes Lithuania's independence
1986 - 1st-class cricket debut of Curtly Ambrose
1965 - Nuclear test at Pacific Ocean
1960 - Chinese army kills 12 Indian soldiers
1950 - Albert Einstein warns against hydrogen bomb
1914 - In Washington, DC, the first stone of the Lincoln Memorial is put into place
1912 - China adopts Gregorian calendar
1818 - Chile gains independence from Spain
1502 - Vasco da Gama sets sail from Lisbon, Portugal on his second voyage to India